Korea lottery registration: South Korea EPS-TOPIK Online Lottery Result Publish going on 11 June 2024. You Know Online Registration Start 06th June 2024 to 08th June 2024. Now we are ready to publish Korean lottery Result publish. Today we were given this post How to go to Check South Korea Lottery Results. When Was publish South Korea Korean Lottery Result 2024 Same time We were also given by this post. We were also given how to go to Korea on an EPS EPS visa to earn two lac T.K per month. In the context of Bangladesh, the words seem unrealistic but true. I am mentioning the details for those who want to go to Korea at a low cost on a work permit or Korea lottery visa. Read the full article and know the details. Now given all requirements south Korea Lottery results.
South Korea Lottery Result , Korea lottery registration
You know 2024 South Korea Lottery Result will be published 11th June. New rules have been introduced in the EPS system this year to publish recruitment point system-based tests and results. The main purpose of this process is not only Korean language skills but also physical fitness, technical skills, work efficiency, experience, etc. as a whole recruiting system. In the recruitment point system, candidates who have passed the first round test will take the second round test (Skill Test, Competency Test), add the marks obtained in the first and second round test and the number of potential candidates will be selected based on the higher marks.
EPS and Boesl (BOESL) advertise for Korean language test participation registration on their website www.boesl.gov.bd and in various newspapers in Bangladesh called Korea lottery registration. After the publication of the advertisement, candidates can register online with their passport number and other information by visiting the website of Boesl (www.boesl.gov.bd) or EPS (eps.boesl.org.bd). You don’t have to spend any money to apply. If you want, you can do your own registration sitting on your own or anyone’s computer. After registration, you will be given a confirmation form which you have to print and keep.
How to Korea Lottery Result PDF – Korea lottery registration
Result will be published bosel offical webpage Same time we given this result pdf by this post. Finalists will be selected on the basis of higher marks by adding the marks obtained in the first and second-round examinations. The selected candidate should then fill the job offer form. While filling the job offer form you need to understand the job category well and then fill in the order of the category in which you want to work. Then if everything goes well you will be included in the job roster. But one thing to remember here is that included in the job roster does not mean the Korean job is final.
Korea Lottery Result PDF
- First, go to the Bangladesh BOESL official page
- http://.boesl.gov.bd/
- After see Notice board given কোরিয়া লটারি
- Now click Korea Lottery Result
- Now download your result pdf.
কোরীয় ভাষা পরীক্ষায় অংশগ্রহণের জন্য অনলাইন নিবন্ধন-(লটারি)’তে উত্তীর্ণ প্রার্থীদের তালিকা

South Korea EPS-TOPIK Online Lottery Result
- The applicant must be Bangladesh Citizen.
- Age should be 18 to 40 years (29 August 1984 to 13 June 2005)
- Must have a valid MRP Passport
- The minimum Education qualification is SSC
- Ability to Korean Language.
- There are no Criminal Cases.
Application submission Deadline has expired.
আবেদনের সময় শেষ হয়ে গিয়েছে। রেজাল্ট পেতে আমাদের সাথেই থাকুন…… মোট রেজি ১৭০০০০+ জন।
How to South Korea EPS-TOPIK Online Registration Apply
- First go to the Bangladesh BOESL official page: http://eps.boesl.gov.bd/
- Then fill up the page with valid information.
- Full name (According to Passport)
- Then Date of Birth (According to Passport)
- Then Passport Number (N.B: Passport no without space)
- The passport image by scanning (Image size 40-60 Kg)
- Now check all Information is checked. If you give any wrong information, the authority wants to the Application will be Rejecting (N.B: The application forms are carefully filled up. A little mistake can cause you to lose your desired job. so that there is no mistake).
What is EPS Visa?
The visa program that the Ministry of Labor of the South Korean government has launched to take unskilled workers from different countries through the HRD branch is the EPS or Employment Permit System visa. An agreement was executed in 2007 between the Government of Bangladesh and the Government of Korea under the EPS system. As a result, the Korean government has been taking unskilled workers from Bangladesh every year since 2008. According to the agreement, the Korean government takes about two to three thousand workers from Bangladesh every year. Under the EPS system, the Korean government has every year to recruit unskilled workers from 15 countries (Bangladesh, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Uzbekistan, Vietnam) including Bangladesh. Circulars are given online.
South Korea Lottery Circular – Korea lottery registration
In previous years, there have been many times more registrations than the demand. Because of this double the number of potential candidates (maximum 24000 people) will be passed on the basis of high numbers through a computerized lottery with the passport number of the applicants. Those who will later be selected for final registration in the EPS-TOPIC CBT exam or can appear for the language test. If you are a Korean Lottery winner then you need to complete the registration for the EPS-TOPIC CBT exam registration by physically attending Boesel’s office on the appointed day with your passport and 2 passport-size photos with a white background on the back. Along with this pay-ordering and collection of admit cards for examination.
First Round Exam (Korean Language Proficiency Test-EPS-TOPIC CBT)
CBT – Computer-based Test which is a computerized test method in which reading and listening tests are given sitting in front of the computer. There is a total of 100 marks test in 50 minutes which consists of 20 questions for reading or speaking and 20 questions for listening, which is to be answered by listening and understanding. A quota number of people are selected from among the candidates who scored more than 44 marks out of 100 marks. The results of the examination are published on the website and on the notice board of Boesel. Candidates who failed this examination will be considered as failed for the next two years from the date of publication of the result.
2nd Round Exam (Skill Test & Competency Test)
After clearing the language test, you will have to appear for the skill test and competency test. Usually, skill test tests the candidate’s physical ability and vision. And for the competency test added this year, the candidate has to submit a work experience certificate, work experience authenticity certificate, vocational training (original certificate), educational qualification (original certificate), national certificate photocopy, etc. as authentic documents. However
Jobs in Korea:
After being included in the job roster, an account will be created on the EPS website. You can check your ID with password. Then wait for your turn, if a Korean company likes you, you will receive their invitation through Bocell in your e-mail and EPS account. Then your job is to pay-order for medical checkup and medical tickle training. After that, a 1-week training should be done from Bangladesh-Korea Technical Training Center on work and Korean culture. Then book the plane ticket according to the date specified by your recruiting company and sit on the plane with all your necessary documents and luggage on the specified day.
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